Erotica Writer's 2024 Year in Review
I wrote this article on my main substack, My Pen, Her Whip, and I would like to share it with you, too.
If you’d like to read it on the source, click below.
Or else continue reading. I’ll paste it in full:
It has long a tradition of many writers, bloggers, and media companies to wrap up the year by reviewing what they’ve learned, what articles they loved, what got them the most hits (Nazz’s whip, of course).
I’ve often felt the new year doesn’t hold much of a meaning. Nothing inherently changes on January 1. My years have been delimited by academic calendars, graduations, visa expiration dates, contracts, days I felt tired and bored and quit my job. But if I review it all, even I ended up quitting some of my editing jobs right around the end of the year.
Because I had been brainwashed by the Gregorian calendar? Or because November and December aligned with the seasons changing, the weather getting cold, the light disappearing, and the drive to begin something new? These days, stationed in Thailand, as I am, the winter months of the Northern hemisphere do not even produce a significant change in temperature.
Nonetheless, I consider my role as a professional erotica writer and chronicler of kink to be a serious endeavor, so I will present my year in review. It is as good as time as any to go back and review what I have experienced and learned this year.
Much has happened in 2024. I moved to an apartment that is managed by my Mistress, Queen Nazz, and my girlfriend became my landlady. She also moved in with me. She’d been staying over at my old apartment more and more--some weekends, most weekends, every weekend, three or four or five days a week--and it became natural.
We celebrated Songkran together for the first time--the Thai New Year aka “water splashing festival” where, for three days, people bring out their water guns and buckets and assault each other with blasts of cool water during the hottest days of the year. That takes place in mid-April. Hence, again, the meaninglessness of the Western New Year.
A Wild and Wet Water Party: The Songkran Slave is my most extremely depraved erotica to date. I wanted to imagine how brutally I could write a little farang (white/foreigner) boy being abused for the fun and pleasure of lovely Thai queens.
Tua Lek looked at him and said, "The new floor mat is so cute!"
Floor mat?
As if reading his mind, Tui Nui said, "That's right! Every guest can wipe off her feet on you and have their toes cleaned by your mouth!"
Read The Songkran Slave for $3.39 or for free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.
The Songkran Slave is also part of the 5-book bundle The Thai Mistresses, which is available for $9.99 and for free for KU subscribers.
In 2024, I began turning my ebooks into audiobooks. I described the process on my Erotica Writer substack.
The Femdom Sorority has been my best-selling audiobook.
It is exciting to hear my words being read in a sexy voice. I’ve had books done by female and male narrators. I pick narrators whose voices correspond with the theme and genre of the books. It is great to provide my fans another means to enjoy my stories.
In the spring of 2024, I started taking Muay Thai classes. I haven’t fought, and so far, I don’t plan to, but Muay Thai practice is an amazing means to expend energy, to push yourself, and to feel alive. It gets your adrenaline flowing. It works your muscles. It makes you feel pain. (Even punching and kicking the bags, you feel sore...)
Muay Thai practice activates a lot of the same pain and pleasure points that are activated for me in kinky BDSM play.
Speaking of (healthy) activities that give you a dopamine high, I started doing standup comedy in August 2024. Pressured/encouraged by some new friends I met in 2024, I took the stage at an open mic and told some stories behind the whip collection Queen Nazz and I share.
If you haven’t already noticed, my jokes are going to be a little bit different than most male comedians. Lots of guys, their punchline is always, “I’ve got a big dick.”
For me, it’s gonna be more like, “My girlfriend’s got a big dick.”
Not really. She wanted me to buy one for her when I was visiting Japan, but I chickened out.
What she’s really got is a big whip. Whips. Six or seven or eight of them.
Everywhere we go, we like to find new whips to add to our collection.
We started out with a cat of nine tails. That’s a handle with a bunch of cords, or tails, hanging down for the dominant person to flog the submissive. It doesn’t actually have nine tails. More like fifteen.
Or, at least it did have fifteen tails when we bought it.... ...Now I think it really does only have nine...
The crowd was going pretty wild. Some part of it was surely because I’m the funniest man alive, but a lot of it was because I was shocking them. It was such an exhilarating experience--and plus, I had really gotten the audience/the other comedians excited for my next time on the stage--that I had to keep it up. I felt an energy, a bit of fear, a bit of pride, a bit of power, and, hey, even a bit of shame--precisely the feelings I feel in my submission--on that stage.
I’m an exhibitionist. I’ve been flogged with a bullwhip in a bar, had hot wax dripped on my back while laying on the floor of a bar, been tied while naked in an exclusive karaoke room in Gangnam... And I felt ecstatic in those situations. So, sharing stories about my life in a comedic way in front of a crowd, becoming the center of attention, well, I like it, too.
I’ve been learning the craft of standup writing and performing. I’ve been approaching it with the goal of making people laugh--not trying to enlighten or shock or show superiority or anything unless it is complimentary to entertaining and amusing. One can talk successfully about almost anything if they do it with a confident air and an approachable manner.
One of the first lessons I learned is that, while a comedian can tell a story, they must tell a story in the form of jokes. So, as a writer, I got to adding punchlines into the lines of my stories. Write for the medium. A mistake many comics make is saying whatever the fuck they want on stage and then blaming the audience when it bombs.
Standup comedy is largely a written form, and practicing standup is a good way to practice writing.
Also in August, I released the first book in what would become one of my favorite series, Domination Diaries. Domination Diaries is the closest look at the intense domination and role play scenes Queen Nazz and I play out together. The series follows our life and even delves into the ups and downs of our relationship.
At one point, I was musing about the possibility of an open relationship; I wrote about the drama that ensued in Domination Diaries, Vol. II: Leashed by My Girlfriend’s Girl Friends. She took me to her childhood hometown and let me play with others--or, rather, let others play with me.
"You're going to be on a leash the whole time. And I told them they can be as mean to you as they want to.”
In October, I had the most fun Halloween ever.
In October, I also started publishing regular caption photos to my Patreon. I write 200-350 words making up a story about a sexy image.
In December, I became a rope bunny; the instructor of a local shibari class uses me for demonstration purposes! The feeling of being tied and being made into a piece of art in front of a group, while the others tie each other, all of us focusing on one purpose is euphoric.
I could write so much more about that... And I will one of these days...
Another reason I don’t love end of year posts is that it starts to become a list. I’d rather explore some of these experiences in greater detail. You can extract the lessons from something with a start and end point. A year has no start and end point. January 1st isn’t the start of a story. The story might be, as happened in Domination Diaries, Vol. II, starting when you jump in the car, and it might, as in the whole Domination Diaries series, not have an end in sight.